Ever wondered why you should bother with a health checkup when you’re feeling fit as a fiddle? Well, let me break it down for you.

Truhealth plus health package focuses on basics like checking your cholesterol levels, thyroid levels, kidney and liver functioning and blood sugar. Sounds kind of technical, right? But here’s the scoop: these numbers give us a sneak peek into your health status.

These checkups act like a crystal ball, showing potential health issues before they become big problems. Catching things early means you can take action and stay on the path to a long and healthy life.



CBC (Complete Blood Count) Test (27 Parameters)

Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin (1 Parameter)

GENERAL TESTS (1 Parameters)

ESR Automated Blood (1 Parameter)

BONE (2 Parameters)

Calcium Total Serum (1 Parameter)

Phosphorus-Inorganic Serum (1 Parameter)

HEART (4 Parameters)

Triglycerides biochemical serum (1 Parameter)

HDL Cholesterol Direct Serum (1 Parameter)

LDL Cholesterol -Direct serum (1 Parameter)

Total Cholesterol Test (1 Parameter)

DIABETES (3 Parameters)

HbA1C- Glycated Haemoglobin (2 Parameter)

Fasting Glucose Plasma (1 Parameter)

THYROID (3 Parameters)

TSH (Ultrasensitive) ECLIA Serum (1 Parameter)

T4-Free Thyroxine Serum (1 Parameter)

T3-Free Free Tri-Iodothyronine Serum (1 Parameter)

LIVER (5 Parameters)

SGPT ALT Serum (1 Parameter)

Bilirubin Total Serum (1 Parameter)

Bilirubin Direct Serum Test (1 Parameter)

SGOT AST Serum (1 Parameter)

Proteins Serum (1 Parameter)

Alkaline Phosphatase Test (1 Parameter)

KIDNEY (23 Parameters)

Creatinine Serum Test (1 Parameter)

Uric Acid Serum (1 Parameter)

Routine Examination Urine (17 Parameter)

BUN Urea Nitrogen Serum (1 Parameter)

Sodium ISE Serum (1 Parameter)

Potassium ISE serum (1 Parameter)

Chloride ( Cl ) Serum (1 Parameter)


This package is designed to provide you with a holistic view of your health, allowing early detection of potential health issues. Regular check-ups can aid in preventing and managing diseases, ensuring a healthier life.
It is generally recommended to undergo this package annually as part of your preventive health routine. However, the frequency may vary based on your age, lifestyle, and healthcare provider’s advice.
You can easily book an appointment at through their website. Check their official website or contact them for specific details.
Yes. Some tests within the package require fasting for accurate results
The turnaround time for test results may vary depending on the specific tests conducted. Typically, you can expect to receive your results within 24 hours.
Yes, the results from the TruHealth Plus Health Package can be shared with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance on any necessary follow-up actions.
The TruHealth Plus package is suitable for individuals of various age groups, but it is commonly recommended for adults.
Remember, the TruHealth Plus Health Package is a valuable tool for proactively managing your health. If you have more questions or need further information, don’t hesitate to reach out to for personalized guidance