Truhealth Smart Couple health package has been crafted to safeguard the well-being of our cherished senior community and is a must-have check-up at least once a year. This package provided by Metropolis labs provides important insights into the current state of vital organ functioning of senior citizens and helps in early detection and management of age-related and other chronic diseases.




CBC (Complete Blood Count) Test (27 Parameters)

Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin (1 Parameter)

GENERAL TESTS (3 Parameters)

ESR Automated Blood (1 Parameter)

LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase Serum (1 Parameter)

CPK Total Serum Test (1 Parameter)

BONE (3 Parameters)

Calcium Total Serum (1 Parameter)

Phosphorus-Inorganic Serum (1 Parameter)

Vitamin D Total-25 Hydroxy Plasma/ Serum (1 Parameter)

HEART (5 Parameters)

Triglycerides biochemical serum (1 Parameter)

HDL Cholesterol Direct Serum (1 Parameter)

LDL Cholesterol -Direct serum (1 Parameter)

Total Cholesterol Test (1 Parameter)

Homocysteine ( 1 Parameter) 

DIABETES (3 Parameters)

HbA1C- Glycated Haemoglobin (2 Parameter)

Fasting Glucose Plasma (1 Parameter)

Glucose Post Prandial Plasma (1 Parameter)

THYROID (3 Parameters)

TSH (Ultrasensitive) ECLIA Serum (1 Parameter)

T4-Free Thyroxine Serum (1 Parameter)

T3-Free Free Tri-Iodothyronine Serum (1 Parameter)

LIVER (7 Parameters)

SGPT ALT Serum (1 Parameter)

Bilirubin Total Serum (1 Parameter)

Bilirubin Direct Serum Test (1 Parameter)

SGOT AST Serum (1 Parameter)

Proteins Serum (1 Parameter)

Alkaline Phosphatase Test (1 Parameter)

GGTP Gamma GT Serum Test (1 Parameter)

KIDNEY (23 Parameters)

Creatinine Serum Test (1 Parameter)

Uric Acid Serum (1 Parameter)

Routine Examination Urine (17 Parameter)

BUN Urea Nitrogen Serum (1 Parameter)

Sodium ISE Serum (1 Parameter)

Potassium ISE serum (1 Parameter)

Chloride ( Cl ) Serum (1 Parameter)

HORMONES (1 Parameters)

AMH TEST (1 Parameter)


Metropolis Pathology Lab’s Smart Couple health package is a complete health checkup needed to detect and manage any changes in the body.

In this fast-paced life, our seniors have already given their contribution to nation and society development. It is our responsibility now to take care of our loved ones. With its exhaustive testing and expert consultations, it assures our senior citizens of the confidence to lead fulfilling lives with a strong foundation of health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Booking a Truhealth Smart Couple health package is a straightforward process. You can visit the website or get in touch with their customer service to schedule an appointment.
Insurance coverage may vary based on your policy and insurance provider. It’s advisable to consult your insurance company to determine if Truhealth Smart Couple falls under your coverage.
If you are not facing any chronic disease, our doctors prescribe to undergo this package once a year. The frequency can increase if the person is facing some chronic disease or is advised by his doctor. It’s recommended to consult healthcare professionals for personalized guidance regarding check-up intervals.